Symmetry lowering at the structural phase transitions in NpO2 and UO2

A. V. Nikolaev and K. H. Michel
Phys. Rev. B 68, 054112 – Published 29 August 2003
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The structural phase transitions with electric-quadrupole long-range order in NpO2(Fm3¯mPn3¯m) and UO2(Fm3¯mPa3¯) are analyzed from a group theoretical point of view. In both cases, the symmetry lowering involves three quadrupolar components belonging to the irreducible representation T2g(Γ5) of Oh and condensing in a triple-q structure at the X point of the Brillouin zone. The Pa3¯ structure is close to Pn3¯m, but allows for oxygen displacements. The Pa3¯ ordering leads to an effective electrostatic attraction between electronic quadrupoles while the Pn3¯m ordering results in a repulsion between them. It is concluded that the Pn3¯m structure can be stabilized only through some additional process such as strengthening of the chemical bonding between Np and O. We also derive the relevant structure-factor amplitudes for Pn3¯m and Pa3¯, and the effect of domains on resonant x-ray scattering experiments.

  • Received 20 December 2002


©2003 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

A. V. Nikolaev* and K. H. Michel

  • Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, UIA, 2610 Antwerpen, Belgium

  • *Also at: Institute of Physical Chemistry of RAS, Leninskii prospect 31, 117915 Moscow, Russia.

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Vol. 68, Iss. 5 — 1 August 2003

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