
Hormones and Behavior

Volume 55, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 375-389
Hormones and Behavior

The reactive scope model — A new model integrating homeostasis, allostasis, and stress

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2008.12.009Get rights and content


Allostasis, the concept of maintaining stability through change, has been proposed as a term and a model to replace the ambiguous term of stress, the concept of adequately or inadequately coping with threatening or unpredictable environmental stimuli. However, both the term allostasis and its underlying model have generated criticism. Here we propose the Reactive Scope Model, an alternate graphical model that builds on the strengths of allostasis and traditional concepts of stress yet addresses many of the criticisms. The basic model proposes divergent effects in four ranges for the concentrations or levels of various physiological mediators involved in responding to stress. (1) Predictive Homeostasis is the range encompassing circadian and seasonal variation — the concentrations/levels needed to respond to predictable environmental changes. (2) Reactive Homeostasis is the range of the mediator needed to respond to unpredictable or threatening environmental changes. Together, Predictive and Reactive Homeostasis comprise the normal reactive scope of the mediator for that individual. Concentrations/levels above the Reactive Homeostasis range is (3) Homeostatic Overload, and concentrations/levels below the Predictive Homeostasis range is (4) Homeostatic Failure. These two ranges represent concentrations/levels with pathological effects and are not compatible with long-term (Homeostatic Overload) or short-term (Homeostatic Failure) health. Wear and tear is the concept that there is a cost to maintaining physiological systems in the Reactive Homeostasis range, so that over time these systems gradually lose their ability to counteract threatening and unpredictable stimuli. Wear and tear can be modeled by a decrease in the threshold between Reactive Homeostasis and Homeostatic Overload, i.e. a decrease in reactive scope. This basic model can then be modified by altering the threshold between Reactive Homeostasis and Homeostatic Overload to help understand how an individual's response to environmental stressors can differ depending upon factors such as prior stressors, dominance status, and early life experience. We illustrate the benefits of the Reactive Scope Model and contrast it with the traditional model and with allostasis in the context of chronic malnutrition, changes in social status, and changes in stress responses due to early life experiences. The Reactive Scope Model, as an extension of allostasis, should be useful to both biomedical researchers studying laboratory animals and humans, as well as ecologists studying stress in free-living animals.


Nearly from the introduction of the concept of stress by Cannon, 1932, Selye, 1946, there have been attempts to narrow the concept and make the definition more precise (Levine, 2005). Much of the dissatisfaction in existing definitions originates from two problems. The first is that the term “stress” has come to encompass three related concepts — those stimuli (both internal and external) that cause stress, the emergency physiological and behavioral responses activated in response to those stimuli, and the pathological consequences of over-stimulation of the emergency responses (Le Moal, 2007, Romero, 2004). Part of the problem of defining “stress” is addressed by referring to the stimuli as stressors, the emergency responses as the stress response, and the over-stimulation of the emergency responses as chronic stress. Chronic stress is then associated with an increased risk of stress-related disease and pathology. However, most uses of the word “stress” remain ambiguous. The second dissatisfaction derives from an inability to rigorously define these three concepts. When is a stimulus a stressor? In many instances, a stressor is defined as a stimulus that initiates a stress response. But what behavioral and physiological responses are stress responses? A typical answer is that a physiological or behavioral response is considered a stress response if it is initiated in response to a stressor. These definitions are clearly circular, and the problem is compounded when trying to determine when a presumably beneficial stress response becomes pathological. The most common attempt to resolve this dilemma has been to define stressors as stimuli that disrupt or threaten to disrupt homeostasis (e.g. Chrousos and Gold, 1992), but the concept of homeostasis has its own limitations (Schulkin, 2003). A more successful definition, and the one most widely used currently, is that unpredictable and/or uncontrollable stimuli are stressors (Levine and Ursin, 1991).

The most recent attempt to redefine stress was the introduction of the concept of allostasis (Sterling and Eyer, 1988) and specifically the melding of biomedical and ecological research in the Allostasis Model as proposed by McEwen and Wingfield (2003b). Although allostasis has been applied in a number of biomedical contexts, the McEwen and Wingfield (2003b) paper was the first, and remains one of the few, attempts to use allostasis to connect biomedical and ecological data. Consequently, we will focus much of our discussion on that specific formulation of allostasis. To summarize McEwen and Wingfield's conceptualization, allostasis is the process of maintaining stability (homeostasis) through change in both environmental stimuli and physiological mechanisms. Allostasis then accounts for daily and seasonal physiological adjustments (termed allostatic state) that maintain physiological parameters, such as blood glucose, within narrow life-sustaining ranges. With these definitions, homeostasis refers to the maintenance of these physiological parameters, whereas allostasis refers to the physiological mechanisms that maintain that homeostasis (via allostatic mediators). As a consequence, there is a difference between the physiological variables that are kept constant and those mediators that vary in order to maintain constancy. However, environmental changes, such as storms or winter conditions, and life-history changes, such as pregnancy, could make the animal work harder to maintain stability of these physiological parameters. Importantly, environmental and life-history changes can be additive so that an animal would have to work even harder if there were multiple changes, such as a storm occurring during pregnancy. McEwen and Wingfield termed this increase in workload allostatic load and proposed that allostatic load could be measured with overall energy expenditure. McEwen and Wingfield then identified two instances where an animal could get into physiological trouble. The first they termed allostatic overload Type I which occurs when the animal's energy demand for maintaining homeostasis exceeds the energy the animal can obtain from its environment. Allostatic overload Type I then initiates an emergency life-history stage whereby the animal adjusts its behavior and physiology to decrease allostatic load. The second they termed allostatic overload Type II, which occurs when allostatic load is too high for too long. As a consequence, the prolonged activation of the physiological systems that mediate allostasis starts to create pathological problems themselves, despite the presence of adequate energy. Building on Sterling and Eyer's (1988) allostasis concept, McEwen and Wingfield proposed that allostasis, allostatic load, and allostatic overload could provide a framework for understanding how an animal copes with unpredictable challenges, and the framework can be tested rigorously by evaluating energy budgets. The Allostatic Model would then replace the concept of stress.

Allostasis was conceived originally in the biomedical setting specifically to apply to human health. The concept has great promise in understanding some human diseases and is currently a leading model for understanding the etiology of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, depression and drug addiction. However, since none of these diseases is likely to be important for wild animals attempting to survive in their natural habitats, it is still debated whether the allostasis concept is successful when applied to more ethologically, as compared to biomedically, relevant phenomena. There are a number of strengths and weaknesses (see below) of the allostasis model and a strengthened biological foundation might help make the model applicable to more than one species (humans) or to other species in only specific contexts (such as zoo animals). What follows is a new graphical model that builds on the strengths of the allostasis concept while addressing its weaknesses. Our hope is that this new formulation will better integrate the biomedical and ethological concepts of homeostasis, allostasis, and stress in a way that will be useful heuristically and empirically to both communities.

We specifically chose a top-down approach to creating this graphical model by incorporating whole-animal responses to stressors without requiring detailed physiological mechanisms. Our goal is to create a comprehensive framework for stress by focusing only on how an individual animal responds to survive in the short term and how these adaptive acute responses can become pathological if sustained. We then identify mechanisms that could underlie these responses. This is more typical of an ecological approach to addressing a physiological problem. In contrast, the typical biomedical approach has been to understand the mechanistic responses and then to integrate all the mechanisms to build an understanding of how and why the organism responds the way it does. This bottom-up, or reductionist, approach of generating a comprehensive theory of stress has been conspicuously unsuccessful. For example, it has been over 60 years since Selye (1946) identified glucocorticoids as a prime mediator of coping with stressors and yet we still do not fully know how glucocorticoids help an animal survive a stressor. Our hope is that framing our graphical model in a top-down approach, as did McEwen and Wingfield (2003b) in formulating their Allostasis Model, will prove more successful.

Our first task was to identify the strengths of McEwen and Wingfield's Allostasis Model so that these features could be incorporated into the new framework, as well as to identify weaknesses that could be profitably changed. The following descriptions are brief and are not intended to provide a synthesis and/or resolution to the current homeostasis vs. allostasis debate.

Perhaps the strongest impetus for proposing the concept of allostasis was the perception that the term homeostasis was too restrictive (Sterling and Eyer, 1988). Although there is some debate, there is evidence that both Cannon, 1932, Selye, 1971 considered homeostasis to refer to the maintenance of physiological variables within very narrow ranges (reviewed by Schulkin, 2003). One result was the description of homeostatic regulation via the metaphor of a set point — a self-limiting process involving negative feedback. Although many modern physiologists and endocrinologists use a more expansive definition of homeostasis that incorporates both circadian and circannual rhythms (i.e. changing set points), this usage is not universal. By defining allostasis as “constancy through change,” the concept of allostasis incorporates circadian, circannual, and other life-history changes and emphasizes their importance in maintaining the animal's internal balance. In other words, a regulatory system can operate at both elevated and reduced levels, termed allostatic states (Koob and Le Moal, 2001, McEwen and Wingfield, 2003b). We consider that, regardless of the nomenclature, incorporating the idea that physiological parameters change over time is a major strength of the Allostasis Model.

We consider the second major strength to be the formulation of allostatic load. This innovative concept starts to model the wear and tear on individuals coping with repeated stressors and can indicate how prepared the individual is to cope with future stressors (e.g. McEwen and Seeman, 1999). Wear and tear is the concept that there is a cost to maintaining physiological systems, and is discussed below in detail. Several indices, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, have been proposed for measuring allostatic load in humans (e.g. Seeman et al., 2001). McEwen and Wingfield (2003b) further proposed the use of energy as both an underlying mechanism and a universal metric for allostatic load. Using energy in this manner allowed for integrating diverse physiological responses so that they could be compared in terms of their effects on the animal. Although there may be drawbacks to using energy as a universal metric (see below), it provided, for the first time, a way to predict whether a specific stressor (or series of stressors) would either initiate a stress response or result in the symptoms of chronic stress. The use of energy seems especially useful in ecology studies and there are examples where using energy and allostatic load can help explain empirical data (e.g. Goymann and Wingfield, 2004, Romero et al., 2000, Romero and Wikelski, 2001).

The concept of allostatic overload provides a third strength by proposing a threshold for when accumulated allostatic load turns into allostatic overload (Goldstein and McEwen, 2002). This threshold allows testable predictions for two related phenomena. First, we can now predict when normal adaptive responses will become insufficient and require new, stronger responses to counteract the stressor. Second, we can now predict when adaptive responses will fail and result in stress-related disease. Thus, the ability of the Allostasis Model to generate testable predictions is an important theoretical advance.

There are several weaknesses to the concept of allostasis as it is presented in McEwen and Wingfield (2003b). The first is that energy input and expenditure are too variable and poorly understood to use as a simple measure of allostatic load (Walsberg, 2003). Walsberg (2003) points out that consumption and use of energy (the animal's energy budget) is heavily dependent upon the time frame over which the measurements are made. The shorter the time frame the more variable the energy budget, which makes it more difficult to discern which changes in energy use result from normal consumption (allostasis) and which contribute to increased expenditures (allostatic load). This problem is exacerbated when comparing across taxa. Walsberg suggested that whether energy use contributes to allostatic load might be very different in small endotherms with limited storage capacities in relation to high rates of energy consumption, compared to an ectotherm that might subsist for months between meals. Walsberg also highlighted the importance of different contexts in energy use. Animals might profitably alter the rate rather than the amount of energy consumption during different life-history stages, which he argues would again make it difficult to use energy consumption to assess allostatic load. It is also clear that not all energy mobilization is equivalent. For example, the problems of acidosis and potential cell damage (allostatic overload) that can accompany glycolysis or gluconeogenesis (conversion of protein to glucose) are not present when converting glycogen to glucose.

Furthermore, although McEwen and Wingfield (2003a) recognized that their model may have relied too heavily on a connection between glucocorticoids and energy specifically, their model assumes researchers are measuring glucocorticoids and not energy expenditure directly (2003b). However, recent work from our lab indicates that the connection between corticosteroids, presumed to be one of the prime mediators of energy balance during stress, and glucose regulation is not as well understood as once thought. Starting from the earliest studies (e.g. Munck and Koritz, 1962), corticosteroids were known to increase blood glucose levels. These data were the foundation for claims that glucocorticoids were mobilizing energy (specifically glucose) to cope with a stressor (Sapolsky et al., 2000). However, virtually all work in this area has been performed on fasted animals and it is unlikely that all, or even most, animals are fasting when exposed to a stressor in a natural context. When similar studies are performed on fed animals (e.g. Remage-Healey and Romero, 2001), corticosteroids are ineffective at altering blood glucose concentrations. Much of the allure of the Allostasis Model might decrease if glucocorticoids only have a short-term impact on energy mobilization under the narrow context of fasting.

In addition, not all stress responses appear to culminate in measurable energy expenditure. For example, if robust sympathetic and behavioral responses to moderate psychological stressors are not sustained for sufficient time, they fail to incur significant energy consumption when compared to the 24 h energy budget (Cyr et al., 2008). This is likely to be true of many behavioral responses to stressors — at least in the short term, behavioral responses will be sufficiently inexpensive to initiate that they are essentially cost-free in the context of normal daily/weekly energy budgets. As an example, if an animal freezes in the presence of a predator, overall energy expenditure may actually decrease (i.e. it is no longer active). Consequently, a highly-relevant behavioral stress response becomes essentially invisible to the Allostasis Model.

It has also become clear that a fair amount of the criticism of allostasis is due to the term itself, not the underlying concepts. As mentioned above, many physiologists and endocrinologists have had little difficulty using a definition of homeostasis that includes circadian and circannual changes. These researchers emphasize parts of Cannon's writings that seem to include circadian and seasonal changes. For instance, Cannon (1932: pg. 24) states: “The coordinated physiological processes which maintain most of the steady states in the organism are so complex and so peculiar to living beings – involving, as they may, the brain and nerves, the heart, lungs, kidneys and spleen, all working cooperatively – that I have suggested a special designation for these states, homeostasis. The word does not imply something set and immobile, a stagnation. It means a condition — a condition which may vary, but which is relatively constant.” Although allostasis may emphasize these concepts by more explicitly separating those physiological variables that are kept constant (e.g. pH, oxygen tension, body temperature for homeotherms) and those mediators that actively maintain that constancy (e.g. glucocorticoids, epinephrine, cytokines), for many researchers the new term of allostasis is irrelevant at best, and at worst adds to the confusion surrounding the definition of stress (Dallman, 2003).

There are also a number of concepts that typically are included when discussing stress that the current allostatic model does not adequately address. There are numerous early developmental effects (reviewed by Caldji et al., 2001) that clearly alter an individual's responses to stressors later in life. These changes are believed to be mediated through neural (e.g. Kapoor et al., 2006) and epigenetic (e.g. Szyf et al., 2005) mechanisms that are not easily explained using an energy-based model. Early life history is an important component to allostatic state and allostatic load in formulations of allostasis addressing biomedical issues (e.g. McEwen, 1998a), but it is not clear how to incorporate developmental effects into McEwen and Wingfield's Allostatic Model that attempts to encompass ecological data using energy. Similarly, adaptation leading to changes in evolutionary fitness, concepts of great concern to ecologists (e.g. Hadany et al., 2006), is difficult to fit within the Allostatic Model because individual variation – the grist of evolutionary change – is at best only implicitly addressed in the model.

Another weakness of the allostasis model is the heavy reliance on glucocorticoid effects. Catecholamine responses via the sympathetic nervous system, or the fight-or-flight response, are major parts of an integrated response to stressors (e.g. Reeder and Kramer, 2005). These rapid changes may not involve long-term expenditures of energy, and therefore are difficult to include in an energy-based model. In fact, both Type I and Type II allostatic overload essentially model responses to long-term, relatively constant (i.e. chronic), stressors. Examples provided by McEwen and Wingfield include bad weather, habitat changes, parasite loads, social status, social conflict, low socioeconomic status, and obesity. Missing from this list are short-term responses mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, such as predator attacks (e.g. Sapolsky et al., 2000, Steen et al., 1988).

Finally, behavioral and cognitive responses are difficult to fit into the Allostasis Model. They often cost little energy (see above) and yet are fundamental to our understanding of stress. Day (2005) argues that allostasis provides little help in understanding how the brain distinguishes stressful from nonstressful stimuli, nor does it provide a framework for identifying which are the important neural circuits underlying these behavioral and cognitive responses. Ideally, a theoretical framework of stress would be able to encompass these concepts.

Section snippets

The basic model

Our goal was to generate a new model by modifying the Allostatic Model to ensure that we kept its strengths and avoided as many of the weaknesses as possible. The result was the basic model presented in Fig. 1A, which depicts a graph of the level of some physiological mediator over time. These physiological mediators are specifically the homeostatic mediators discussed by McEwen, 2003, McEwen and Wingfield, 2003b. These include changes in behavior, changes in the central nervous system,

Comparing and contrasting the traditional, allostasis, and reactive scope models using classic stressors

A few stressors have generated enormous interest from both biomedical researchers and ecologists. Three examples of these are chronic malnutrition and/or starvation, changes in social status, and changes in stress responses due to early life experiences. Each of these has relevance to both human health and to wild animals coping with unpredictable environmental events. In this section we present a very brief and simplified description of each stressor, the body's response, and potential


Our goal in creating this graphical model was to retain the benefits of the concepts of homeostasis and allostasis while at the same time removing some of the weaknesses identified in the current formulation of allostasis. We do not see the Reactive Scope model as a rebuttal of allostasis, but rather as an extension of allostasis. We use different nomenclature to avoid confusion with previously-defined terms. We anticipate that the Reactive Scope Model will have both heuristic value in helping


We thank Mary Dallman, Michaela Hau, Martin Wikelski, John Wingfield, Robert Sapolsky, and four anonymous reviewers for invaluable comments on early drafts. We especially thank Robert Sapolsky for suggesting the elephant and mouse analogy. We also thank the many participants of the E-Bird collaborative network workshop on allostasis for providing the context and impetus for this work. Funding was provided by the United States National Science Foundation, both from a workshop grant through the

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