Amanda French

Amanda French

ROR Technical Community Mgr


Amanda French, the new Technical Community Manager for ROR, is a well-known community manager and project director in the digital humanities and scholarly communication sphere. Most recently, she served as Community Lead at The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, where she helped build and nurture a community of more than 800 volunteers dedicated to collecting and publishing key COVID-19 data. Prior to that, she directed the Mellon-funded project ‘Resilient Networks for Inclusive Digital Humanities’ at GWU Libraries, directed the Digital Research Services unit at Virginia Tech Libraries, led the THATCamp unconference initiative at GMU’s Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and was a member of the first cohort of CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows. She often speaks and sometimes writes about openness in scholarly publishing, crowdsourcing, Agile, digital humanities, and related topics. In her free time she plays guitar, plants pollinator-friendly flowers, and enjoys the company of one dog and three cats.



Amanda French's Latest Blog Posts

Open Funder Registry to transition into Research Organization Registry (ROR)

Amanda French, Thursday, Sep 7, 2023

In Open Funder RegistryRORIdentifiersMetadata

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Today, we are announcing a long-term plan to deprecate the Open Funder Registry. For some time, we have understood that there is significant overlap between the Funder Registry and the Research Organization Registry (ROR), and funders and publishers have been asking us whether they should use Funder IDs or ROR IDs to identify funders. It has therefore become clear that merging the two registries will make workflows more efficient and less confusing for all concerned.

How I think about ROR as infrastructure

Amanda French, Friday, Jul 8, 2022

In RORStaffResearch Nexus

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The other day I was out and about and got into a conversation with someone who asked me about my doctoral work in English literature. I’ve had the same conversation many times: I tell someone (only if they ask!) that my dissertation was a history of the villanelle, and then they cheerfully admit that they don’t know what a villanelle is, and then I ask them if they’re familiar with Dylan Thomas’s poem “Do not go gentle into that good night.

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