Bryan Vickery

Bryan Vickery

Director of Product


Bryan joined Crossref in August 2019 as Director of Product. He has more than 20 years experience in scholarly communications including online communities, A&I databases, preprint servers, open access publishing, institutional repositories, peer review and production systems at Taylor & Francis, BioMedCentral/Springer and Elsevier. Prior to joining Crossref he was Managing Director, Research Services, at Taylor & Francis where he oversaw the launch of He loves watching rugby, hiking, and music festivals… So pretty much anything that involves mud.



Bryan Vickery's Latest Blog Posts

Open Abstracts: Where are we?

The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) launched this week. The initiative calls on scholarly publishers to make the abstracts of their publications openly available. More specifically, publishers that work with Crossref to register DOIs for their publications are requested to include abstracts in the metadata they deposit in Crossref. These abstracts will then be made openly available by Crossref. 39 publishers have already agreed to join I4OA and to open their abstracts.

Evolving our support for text-and-data mining

Bryan Vickery, Friday, Aug 21, 2020

In Text and Data Mining

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Many researchers want to carry out analysis and extraction of information from large sets of data, such as journal articles and other scholarly content. Methods such as screen-scraping are error-prone, place too much strain on content sites and may be unrepeatable or break if site layouts change. Providing researchers with automated access to the full-text content via DOIs and Crossref metadata reduces these problems, allowing for easy deduplication and reproducibility. Supporting text and data mining echoes our mission to make research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.

Events got the better of us

Publisher metadata is one side of the story surrounding research outputs, but conversations, connections and activities that build further around scholarly research, takes place all over the web. We built Event Data to capture, record and make available these ‘Events’ –– providing open, transparent, and traceable information about the provenance and context of every Event. Events are comments, links, shares, bookmarks, references, etc.

Metadata Manager Update

Bryan Vickery, Tuesday, Mar 24, 2020

In MetadataContent RegistrationIdentifiers

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At Crossref, we’re committed to providing a simple, usable, efficient and scalable web-based tool for registering content by manually making deposits of, and updates to, metadata records. Last year we launched Metadata Manager in beta for journal deposits to help us explore this further. Since then, many members have used the tool and helped us better understand their needs.

Introducing our new Director of Product

Ed Pentz, Monday, Aug 19, 2019

In CommunityProductStaff

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I’m happy to announce that Bryan Vickery has joined Crossref today as our new Director of Product. Bryan has extensive experience developing products and services at publishers such as Taylor & Francis, where he led the creation of the open-access platform Cogent OA. Most recently he was Managing Director of Research Services at T&F, including after it was acquired.

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