Jennifer Kemp

Jennifer Kemp

Head of Partnerships


Jennifer has moved on from Crossref. Jennifer Kemp was Head of Partnerships at Crossref, where she worked with members, service providers, and metadata users to improve community participation, metadata, and discoverability. Prior to Crossref, she had been most recently Senior Manager of Policy and External Relations, North America for Springer Nature. Her experience in scholarly publishing began with her work as a Publication Manager at HighWire Press, where she had a variety of clients publishing in a wide range of disciplines. Jennifer’s perspective on the industry remained influenced by her years as a librarian, and she was active in a number of community initiatives. At Crossref, she facilitated the Books Interest Group, Funder Advisory Group, and the Metadata User Working Group. She also served on the Next Generation Library Publishing Advisory Board, the Library Publishing Coalition Preservation Task Force, and the Open Access eBook Usage (OAeBU) Board of Trustees.


  • Scholarly communications
  • Metadata retrieval
  • Event Data
  • Use of our metadata
  • Books
  • Libraries



Jennifer Kemp's Latest Blog Posts

In the know on workflows: The metadata user working group

Jennifer Kemp, Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023

In UsersMetadataCommunity

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What’s in the metadata matters because it is So.Heavily.Used. You might be tired of hearing me say it but that doesn’t make it any less true. Our open APIs now see over 1 billion queries per month. The metadata is ingested, displayed and redistributed by a vast, global array of systems and services that in whole or in part are often designed to point users to relevant content. It’s also heavily used by researchers, who author the content that is described in the metadata they analyze.

Don't take it from us: Funder metadata matters

Jennifer Kemp, Thursday, Feb 16, 2023

In MetadataResearch FundersData

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Why the focus on funding information? We are often asked who uses Crossref metadata and for what. One common use case is researchers in bibliometrics and scientometrics (among other fields) doing meta analyses on the entire corpus of records. As we pass the 10 year mark for the Funder Registry and 5 years of funders joining Crossref as members to register their grants, it’s worth a look at some recent research that focuses specifically on funding information.

Measuring Metadata Impacts: Books Discoverability in Google Scholar

Lettie Conrad, Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023

In MetadataBooksSearch

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This blog post is from Lettie Conrad and Michelle Urberg, cross-posted from the The Scholarly Kitchen. As sponsors of this project, we at Crossref are excited to see this work shared out. The scholarly publishing community talks a LOT about metadata and the need for high-quality, interoperable, and machine-readable descriptors of the content we disseminate. However, as we’ve reflected on previously in the Kitchen, despite well-established information standards (e.g., persistent identifiers), our industry lacks a shared framework to measure the value and impact of the metadata we produce.

Accessibility for Crossref DOI Links: Call for comments on proposed new guidelines

Our entire community – members, metadata users, service providers, community organizations and researchers – create and/or use DOIs in some way so making them more accessible is a worthy and overdue effort. For the first time in five years and only the second time ever, we are recommending some changes to our DOI display guidelines (the changes aren’t really for display but more on that below). We don’t take such changes lightly, because we know it means updating established workflows.

With a little help from your Crossref friends: Better metadata

Jennifer Kemp, Thursday, Mar 31, 2022

In MetadataLinkingAPIS

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We talk so much about more and better metadata that a reasonable question might be: what is Crossref doing to help? Members and their service partners do the heavy lifting to provide Crossref with metadata and we don’t change what is supplied to us. One reason we don’t is because members can and often do change their records (important note: updated records do not incur fees!). However, we do a fair amount of behind the scenes work to check and report on the metadata as well as to add context and relationships.

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