Kirsty Meddings

Kirsty Meddings

Product Manager


Kirsty Meddings had been involved in a diverse set of initiatives that kept her busy since 2008. She spent most of her career in scholarly communications, in a variety of marketing and product development roles for intermediaries and technology suppliers. She spoke conversational geek and was competent in publishing, working towards fluency in both. Tragically, Kirsty passed away in 2020. A tribute to her can be read in A tribute to our Kirsty on our blog. We will remember her always.





Kirsty Meddings's Latest Blog Posts

Similarity Check news: introducing the next generation iThenticate.

Kirsty Meddings, Tuesday, Jul 28, 2020

In Member BriefingSimilarity Check

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Crossref’s Similarity Check service is used by our members to detect text overlap with previously published work that may indicate plagiarism of scholarly or professional works. Manuscripts can be checked against millions of publications from other participating Crossref members and general web content using the iThenticate text comparison software from Turnitin.

Encouraging even greater reporting of corrections and retractions

TL;DR: We no longer charge fees for members to participate in Crossmark, and we encourage all our members to register metadata about corrections and retractions - even if you can’t yet add the Crossmark button and pop-up box to your landing pages or PDFs.

Can you help us to launch Distributed Usage Logging?

Kirsty Meddings, Monday, Mar 2, 2020

In MembersCommunityCollaborationStandards

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Update: Deadline extended to 23:59 (UTC) 13th March 2020.

Distributed Usage Logging (DUL) allows publishers to capture traditional usage activity related to their content that happens on sites other than their own so they can provide reports of “total usage”, for example to subscribing institutions, regardless of where that usage happens.

Big things have small beginnings: the growth of the Open Funder Registry

Kirsty Meddings, Sunday, Jul 21, 2019

In CollaborationIdentifiersMetadata

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The Open Funder Registry plays a critical role in making sure that our members correctly identify the funding sources behind the research that they are publishing. It addresses a similar problem to the one that led to the creation of ORCID: researchers’ names are hard to disambiguate and are rarely unique; they get abbreviated, have spelling variations and change over time. The same is true of organizations. You don’t have to read all that many papers to see authors acknowledge funding from the US National Institutes of Health as NIH, National Institutes for Health, National Institute of Health, etc.

Putting content in context

You can’t go far on this blog without reading about the importance of registering rich metadata. Over the past year we’ve been encouraging all of our members to review the metadata they are sending us and find out which gaps need filling by looking at their Participation Report.

The metadata elements that are tracked in Participation Reports are mostly beyond the standard bibliographic information that is used to identify a work. They are important because they provide context: they tell the reader how the research was funded, what license it’s published under, and more about its authors via links to their ORCID profiles. And while this metadata is all available through our APIs, we also display much of it to readers through our Crossmark service.

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