Kornelia Korzec

Kornelia Korzec

Head Community Engmt & Comms


Kora joined Crossref in 2022 to ensure a community-centred approach across all communications. She previously worked at eLife, mobilising researchers to advocate for greater adoption of open science. Prior to that, Kora headed engagement at Engineering Without Borders UK, an international development charity, and before that – she designed behaviour-change campaigns for waste minimisation with local authorities in Cambridgeshire. Outside work, Kora enjoys spending time with her two little boys, working on a doctoral project on anti-consumerism, as well as climbing and dancing.





Kornelia Korzec's Latest Blog Posts

Celebrating five years of Grant IDs: where are we with the Crossref Grant Linking System?

We’re happy to note that this month, we are marking five years since Crossref launched its Grant Linking System. The Grant Linking System (GLS) started life as a joint community effort to create ‘grant identifiers’ and support the needs of funders in the scholarly communications infrastructure. The system includes a funder-designed metadata schema and a unique link for each award which enables connections with millions of research outputs, better reporting on the research and outcomes of funding, and a contribution to open science infrastructure.

What was the talk of #Crossref2023?

Kornelia Korzec, Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023

In Research NexusStrategyMeetingsCommunity

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Have you attended any of our annual meeting sessions this year? Ah, yes – there were many in this conference-style event. I, as many of my colleagues, attended them all because it is so great to connect with our global community, and hear your thoughts on the developments at Crossref, and the stories you share. Let me offer some highlights from the event and a reflection on some emergent themes of the day.

Metadata connects the global community – summary of our Community update 2023

Kornelia Korzec, Friday, May 12, 2023

In MetadataCommunity

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We were delighted to engage with over 200 community members in our latest Community update calls. We aimed to present a diverse selection of highlights on our progress and discuss your questions about participating in the Research Nexus. For those who didn’t get a chance to join us, I’ll briefly summarise the content of the sessions here and I invite you to join the conversations on the Community Forum. You can take a look at the slides here and the recordings of the calls are available here.

The PLACE for new publishers – a one-stop-shop for information and a friendly community

Kornelia Korzec, Monday, Apr 17, 2023

In AccessibilityCommunityCollaboration

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The Publishers Learning And Community Exchange (PLACE) at theplace.discourse.group is a new online public forum created for organisations interested in adopting best practices in scholarly publishing. New scholarly publishers can access information from multiple agencies in one place, ask questions of the experts and join conversations with each other. Scholarly publishing is an interesting niche of an industry – it appears at the same time ancillary and necessary to the practice and development of scholarship itself.

Shooting for the stars – ASM’s journey towards complete metadata

At Crossref, we care a lot about the completeness and quality of metadata. Gathering robust metadata from across the global network of scholarly communication is essential for effective co-creation of the research nexus and making the inner workings of academia traceable and transparent. We invest time in community initiatives such as Metadata 20/20 and Better Together webinars. We encourage members to take time to look up their participation reports, and our team can support you if you’re looking to understand and improve any aspects of metadata coverage of your content.

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