Vanessa Fairhurst

Vanessa Fairhurst

Community Engagement Manager


Vanessa has moved on from Crossref. Vanessa Fairhurst joined Crossref in June 2017 and is based in our Oxford office. She previously worked in International Development with a focus on access to scholarly information and research in developing countries. Having lived and worked both in Asia and Europe, Vanessa has always enjoyed working cross-culturally, with a diverse network of people. Outside of the office Vanessa enjoys travel, writing, improving her Spanish and never goes anywhere without a good book!



Vanessa Fairhurst's Latest Blog Posts

Rethinking staff travel, meetings, and events

Ginny Hendricks, Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022

In CommunityCollaborationStaff

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As a distributed, global, and community-led organisation, sharing information and listening to our members both online and in person has always been integral to what we do. For many years Crossref has held both in-person and online meetings and events, which involved a fair amount of travel by our staff, board, and community. This changed drastically in March 2020, when we had to stop traveling and stop having in-person meetings and events.

Do you want to be a Crossref Ambassador?

Vanessa Fairhurst, Thursday, Apr 14, 2022

In EducationAmbassadorsCommunityCollaboration

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A re-cap We kicked off our Ambassador Program in 2018 after consultation with our members, who told us they wanted greater support and representation in their local regions, time zones, and languages. We also recognized that our membership has grown and changed dramatically over recent years and that it is likely to continue to do so. We now have over 16,000 members across 140 countries. As we work to understand what’s to come and ensure that we are meeting the needs of such an expansive community, having trusted local contacts we can work closely with is key to ensuring we are more proactive in engaging with new audiences and supporting existing members.

Perspectives: Bruna Erlandsson on scholarly communications in Brazil

Bruna Erlandsson, Monday, Mar 28, 2022

In CommunityPerspectives

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Join us for the first in our Perspectives blog series. In this series of blogs, we will be meeting different members of our diverse, global community at Crossref. We learn more about their lives, how they came to know and work with us, and we hear insights about the scholarly research landscape in their country, challenges they face, and plans for the future.

Discuss all things metadata in our new community forum

Vanessa Fairhurst, Thursday, Feb 11, 2021

In CollaborationCommunity

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TL;DR: We have a Community Forum (yay!), you can come and join it here: Community is fundamental to us at Crossref, we wouldn’t be where we are or achieve the great things we do without the involvement of you, our diverse and engaged members and users. Crossref was founded as a collaboration of publishers with the shared goal of making links between research outputs easier, building a foundational infrastructure making research easier to find, cite, link, assess, and re-use.

Community Outreach in 2020

2020 hasn’t been quite what any of us had imagined. The pandemic has meant big adjustments in terms of working; challenges for parents balancing childcare and professional lives; anxieties and tensions we never had before; the strain of potentially being away from co-workers, friends, and family for a prolonged period of time. Many have suffered job losses and around the world, many have sadly lost their lives to the virus.

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